
Cute User Guide

Product Screenshot


Cute is an adorable, innocent little kitten that would never hurt you! She’ll eagerly help you manage all your tasks! Well, as long as she gets some food in return…


  1. Java 11
  2. JavaFX 11
  3. Gradle


Starting Up Cute

Firstly, ensure you have the relevant technologies installed. To start the application, simply double click on the .jar file to run it. Alternatively, you may run java -jar cute.jar in command line.

General Commands

1. Looking For Help

If you need any help, you can refer to this user guide. Alternatively, you can type help into the application and it will display a list of valid commands to try!

Command Usage: help

Expected Output:
1. list
2. todo <task>
3. event <task> /at <date>
4. deadline <task> /by <date>
5. done <index>
6. delete <index>
7. find <keyword>
8. update description <index> <new description>
9. update time <index> <new time>
10. bye

2. Exiting The Application

In order to exit, you can click to close the window of the application. Alternatively, you can type bye into the application and it will automatically close for you!

Task Management

1. Listing Tasks

Displays an indexed list of all tasks.

Command Usage: list

Expected Output:
1. [D][X] Assignment (by: 20 Apr 2019 11.59pm)
2. [T][O] Worksheet

2. Marking Task As Done

Marks a specified task as done.

Command Usage: done <task index>

Example Usage: done 3

Expected Output:
Mmm, Cute thinks your hardworkingness smells yummy!
3. [D][O] Assignment (by: 20 Apr 2019 11.59pm)

3. Deleting A Task

Deletes a task from the task list.

Command Usage: delete <task index>

Example Usage: delete 3

Expected Output:
Noted. I’ve eaten - uhh, I mean, removed this task:
3. [D][O] Assignment (by: 20 Apr 2019 11.59pm)

Adding Tasks

1. Adding A Todo

Adds a todo task to the list.

Command Usage: todo <task description>

Example Usage: todo Assignment

Expected Output:
Wow, you add tasks faster than I eat fishes! Hmm…
1. [T][X] Assignment

2. Adding An Event

Adds an event task to the list.

Command Usage: event <task description> /at <date and time>

Example Usage: event Party 2019-06-20 1159

Expected Output:
Wow, you add tasks faster than I eat fishes! Hmm…
1. [E][X] Party (at: 20 Apr 2019 11.59pm)

3. Adding A Deadline

Adds a deadline task to the list.

Command Usage: deadline <task description> /by <date and time>

Example Usage: deadline Work /by 2019-06-20 1159

Expected Output:
Wow, you add tasks faster than I eat fishes! Hmm…
1. [D][X] Work (by: 20 Apr 2019 11.59pm)

Additional Functions

1. Searching Tasks By Keyword

Returns a list of tasks that match the keyword. The search is case-sensitive. The search also returns tasks whereby the keyword is a substring of the description.

Command Usage: find <keyword>

Example Usage: find Book

Expected Output:
Cute has fished up these results for you!
1. [T][O] Book
2. [T][O] Bookzzz

2. Update Task Description

Updates the description of a task.

Command Usage: update description <task index> <new description>

Example Usage: update description 1 Assignment Number 2

Expected Output:
Updating a description? Forgetful fishy, are we?
1. [T][O] Assignment Number 2

3. Update Task Time

Updates the time of a task.

Command Usage: update description <task index> <new time>

Example Usage: update time 1 Party at house

Expected Output:
Ooh, you updated the time, but is it time for me to eat yet?
1. [E][O] Party at house (at: 20 Apr 2019 8pm)